What is the official consensus regarding the final legal status of Leo Frank’s innocence or guilt in the case of Mary Phagan?
1. The Coroner’s Inquest (Wednesday, April 30, 1913, to Thursday, May 8, 1913): The Fulton County Coroner Paul Donehoo and six jurymen sworn under oath, visited the crime scenes of the National Pencil Company at 37-41 South Forsyth Street, Atlanta, GA, and questioned more than 160 affiliated witnesses who were sworn under oath. At the conclusion of the Coroner’s inquest on Thursday evening, May 8, 1913, the 7-man tribunal, voted unanimously against Leo Frank, binding him over for murder, to be further investigated by the Fulton County Grand Jury. If one were to keep an accurate running total in these regards, it begins with a vote of 7 to 0 against Leo Frank. Newt Lee was ordered held as a material witness.
2. The Fulton County Grand Jury — including several Jews — on Saturday, May 24, 1913, voted unanimously 21 to 0 against Leo Frank, indicting him for having murdered Mary Phagan on April 26, 1913. If one were to update the running total of votes in these regards, the Coroner’s Inquest (7 to 0) + the Grand Jury (21 to 0), together provided a total vote score update of 28 to 0 against Leo Frank.
3. The Leo Frank Murder Trial (July 28, 1913 to August 26, 1913). The presiding Trial Judge Leonard Strickland Roan and 12 Jurymen, voted unanimously, 13 to 0, against Leo Frank, not only did these thirteen men vote against Leo M. Frank with an affirmed verdict of guilty as charged, but they collectively sentenced Leo Frank to death with a vote of 13 to 0. When the Leo Frank trial petite Jury of 12 men unanimously recommended a death sentence for Leo Frank, if the trial Judge Leonard Strickland Roan had any doubts about the verdict or felt the trial was unfair, Roan could have, respectively, sentenced Leo M. Frank to life in prison instead, or provided him with a completely new trial. The Judge rejected Leo M. Frank’s request for a new trial on October 31, 1913.
When the Coroner’s Inquest Tribunal voted unanimously seven to zero against Leo Frank, and that number is added to the Grand Jury’s unanimous vote of twenty-one to zero against Leo Frank, and that number is added to the trial judge and jury’s unanimous vote of thirteen to zero against Leo Frank – if we keep an accurate vote count in these regards, the total running score update is: 41 to 0 against Leo Frank. The number only ascends from 41 to 0 against Leo Frank, as two years of failed appeals wended their way through the court system between 1913 to 1915, sustaining the verdict of the judge and jury.
4. Georgia Supreme Court’s Majority Decisions were more than once against Leo Frank. The Georgia Supreme Court ruled the evidence against Leo Frank at his summer of 1913 trial was sufficient to render a guilty verdict.
Re-sentencing: On March 7, 1914, the presiding Judge of the Fulton County Superior Court, Judge Benjamin Hill, was so certain of Leo Frank’s guilt, he sentenced Leo Frank to die on his 30th birthday, April 17, 1914. If there was any doubt about Leo Frank’s guilt, would a superior court Judge do something so cruel as to sentence a convicted murderer to hang on their birthday?
The Leo Frank Jailhouse Admission: On March 9, 1914, the Atlanta Constitution published a jailhouse interview of Leo Frank where he once again, as he had done during his trial on August 18, 1913, admitted he was in the metal room bathroom, during the time he formerly told the police, Mary Phagan was in his business office with him. What made this admission by Leo Frank so incriminating is because, James “Jim” Conley, told the court he found Mary Phagan dead in the area of the metalroom’s bathroom at Leo Frank’s behest.
5. United States District Court ensured Leo Frank would be reviewed by the highest tribunal of the United States of America more than once.
6. In 1914 and 1915, the United States Supreme Court Majority Decision ruled against Leo Frank and finally they unanimously voted that no further reviews of the case would be considered. Leo Frank had fully exhausted all of his court appeals.
7. The Death Sentence Commutation of Leo Frank to Life in Prison: In 1915, the Governor of Georgia, John Marshall Slaton, specifically stated in his June 21, 1915, commutation order, that he was sustaining the verdict of the Leo Frank trial jury and appeals courts decisions, and thus ultimately he was preserving the verdict of guilt rendered against Leo Frank by the trial judge and jury. That’s an gubernatorial vote of 1 to 0 against Leo M. Frank for preserving his guilt, especially in light of commuting Leo Frank’s death sentence to life in prison, an equal punishment for the crime of murder. Some could argue a life sentence for a child rapist and strangler is a far worse punishment than hanging, given real-life inmate prison politics. What nearly every Leo Frank partisan book fails to inform their reader is the full weight of the fact that Governor John M. Slaton was a member of the most powerful Lawfirm in Georgia, called ‘Rosser, Brandon, Slaton and Phillips’ (the ‘Slaton’ was Governor John M. Slaton) that represented Leo Frank at his trial and appeals to the Georgia Supreme Court. Governor Slaton had committed a gross conflict of interest and betrayal of his oath of office when he commuted the death sentence of his own law client Leo Frank.
8. Message Beyond the Grave: In 1954, Lucille Selig Frank signed, and notarized her ‘Last Will and Testament’, registering it with the local government of Atlanta, GA. Lucille’s will specifically requested her remains be cremated, and before passing away, she told the closest members of her family to disburse the cremated ashes in an Atlanta park (Oney, 2003, 2004). The empty grave site #1 (Official Real Estate Location ID: 1-E-41-1035-01) that was reserved for Lucille Selig Frank to the immediate left of Leo Frank’s grave #2 (Official Real Estate Location ID: 1-E-41-1035-02) in the Mount Carmel Cemetery, is a silent ballot of affirmation for the guilty verdict rendered against Leo Frank, coming from the woman who once sat by her husband faithfully and invincibly during his two year ordeal of court appearances and hearings.
9. The Jewish Lobby and anti-Semitism Lobby: The Alonzo Mann Affair and Posthumous Pardon of Leo Frank (1982 to 1986): The Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles on March 11, 1986, though issuing a highly political, but ultimately hollow pardon, did not exonerate Leo frank of strangling Mary Phagan. Thus the board did not disturb the verdict of guilt rendered against Leo Frank by the trial Judge and Jury in 1913. By not exonerating Leo Frank of murder, the board also sustained the Coroner’s Inquest, Grand Jury, US appellate tribunals that reviewed the case, and Governor John M. Slaton, that all sustained the verdict of guilt 71 years prior. What the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles did by preserving the verdict of guilt for Leo Frank, for the last and final time, is they also by proxy appeased the powerful Jewish groups and wider community that considers themselves above the law.
By the act of not disturbing the verdict of the jury from 1913 to 1986, every single level of the United States legal system preserved the verdict of guilt originally rendered against Leo Frank by the Judge and Jury during that summer long ago in 1913.
The Vanguard of the Jewish-Gentile Civil War, 1913 to 2013
The guilt of Leo Max Frank convicted for the murder of Mary Phagan is black letter settled law and the case is judicially a closed matter, but for more than 100 years, the Jews and their Goyim sycophants have continued to use the case as another social-political front in their multifront culture, genetic and race war against Western Civilization to viciously agitate, deracinate, subvert, demoralize, divide and antagonize Gentile States and People.
Final Conclusion of the Leo Frank Case in a Millennial Context
The Leo Frank Case represents another Microcosm of the International Jewish Culture War Against Western Civilization that Continues Unabated and Grows More Grotesque Each and Every Year.
Read: The Leo M. Frank Georgia Supreme Court Case Records (1913, 1914).
Last Updated: April 26, 2012 at 12:07 p.m.