By Oscar Turner, student of the Phagan-Frank murder case.

Please Listen to these five impressive audio booklets about the investigation into Little Mary Phagan’s homicide that became infamously known as The Leo Frank Case in 1913. These articles were originally published during five separate months in 1915 within the pages of Watson’s Jeffersonian Magazine by future U.S. Senator from Georgia, Tom Watson. Now they are rebooted 100 years later by Oscar Turner in 2015 — the lynching centennial (1915-2015) of Leo Frank — available in these fine audio-books for your listening enjoyment.

Check them out and listen to all five for the full experience.

These five audio releases are in the public domain, please download them, and upload them to other media sharing websites to help fight against ADL and SPLC censorship efforts.

The Leo Frank Case By Tom Watson (January 1915), Watson’s Jeffersonian Magazine, Volume 20, No. 3. See page 139 for the Leo Frank Case. Jeffersonian Publishing Company, Thomson, Ga. Read by Oscar Turner, 2015.

A Full Review of the Leo Frank Case By Tom Watson (March 1915), Watson’s Jeffersonian Magazine, Volume 20, No. 5. See page 235 for ‘A Full Review of the Leo Frank Case’. Jeffersonian Publishing Company, Thomson, Ga. Read by Oscar Turner, 2015.

The Celebrated Case of The State of Georgia vs. Leo Frank By Tom Watson (August 1915), Watson’s Jeffersonian Magazine, Volume 21, No 4. See page 182 for ‘The Celebrated Case of the State of Georgia vs. Leo Frank”. Jeffersonian Publishing Company, Thomson, Ga. Read by Oscar Turner, 2015.

The Official Record in the Case of Leo Frank, Jew Pervert By Tom Watson (September 1915), Watson’s Jeffersonian Magazine, Volume 21, No. 5. See page 251 for ‘The Official Record in the Case of Leo Frank, Jew Pervert’. Jeffersonian Publishing Company, Thomson, Ga. Read by Oscar Turner, 2015.

The Rich Jews Indict a State! The Whole South Traduced in the Matter of Leo Frank By Tom Watson (October 1915), Watson’s Jeffersonian Magazine, Volume 21, No. 6. See page 301. Jeffersonian Publishing Company, Thomson, Ga. Read by Oscar Turner, 2015.

Further Listening Opportunities:

2016 Addendum:

Audio-book of “The Murder of Little Mary Phagan” by Mary Phagan Kean (1987), read by Oscar Turner, April 26, 2016. Tune-In at the Leo Frank Research Library (Link Provided):

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