Please Download This PodCast About ADL and B’nai B’rith By Pastor Eli James

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Podcast on how and why Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith was created:
Pastor Eli James publishes his 9th part of a radio program on the centuries-old Jewish activist
group B’nai B’rith (founded October 13, 1843) which founded the Anti-Defamation League in 1913,
galvanized in the aftermath of Leo Frank’s August 25, 1913, conviction and death sentence for
the sex-murder of his 13-year-old employee, Mary Phagan (June 1st, 1899 – April 26th, 1913).

Primary and secondary research about the Leo Frank Case:
1. The [Leo] Frank Case, Atlanta Georgia’s Greatest Murder Mystery. This is the first book written about the murder of Mary Phagan and the trial of Leo Frank.
2. The Murder of Little Mary Phagan by Mary Phagan Kean (1987, 1989).  Written by Mary Phagan Kean, the great grand-niece of Mary Phagan (1899-1913). This semi-autobiographical and neutral account of the events surrounding the trial and appeals of Leo Frank, includes never before published detailed information about the Jewish sex-killer’s 1986 posthumous pardon. This insightful book is well worth reading and it’s a refreshing change from the seemingly endless number of Jewish activist books, both modern and contemporary, which disingenuously transform the Leo Frank case into a neurotic, anti-Gentile, ethnoreligious-obsessed tabloid controversy.

3. American State Trials, Volume X (1918) by John Davison Lawson, L.L.D., this work tends to be biased in favor of Leo Frank and his legal defense team. This case commentary book provides an *abridged* version of the Brief of

Evidence, leaving out some of the important testimony and evidence when it republishes parts of the trial testimony digest. It contains something rarely published by other sources, the perorations of the legal counselors. Be sure to read the abridged closing arguments of Luther Zeigler Rosser, Reuben Rose Arnold, Frank Arthur Hooper and Hugh Manson Dorsey.  For a more complete version of the Leo M. Frank trial testimony, read the 1913 Leo Frank Case Brief of Evidence and Atlanta’s daily newspapers publishing the question and answer portions (July
28-August 21, 1913).

4. The argument of Hugh M. Dorsey in the Trial of Leo Frank: Some but not all of the 9 hours of arguments given to the Jury at the end of the Leo Frank trial on August 22, 23, and 25, 1913. Only a dozen or so libraries in the United States have copies of this peroration in book format. This is an excellent book and required reading for students of the Leo Frank case to see how prosecutor Hugh Dorsey convinced the panel of 13 men (the trial jury of 12 men plus Judge Leonard Strickland Roan) to convict Leo Frank and sentence him to death.

5.  The Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence (1913):
Leo M. Frank, Plaintiff in Error, vs. The State of Georgia, Defendant in Error. In Error from Fulton Superior Court at the July Term 1913, Brief of Evidence. Only a few original copies of this 300-page book-digest from 1913 and 1914 exist at the Georgia State Archive. This trial digest can also be found in the Leo Frank Georgia Supreme Court files.
Leo Frank’s defenders often misrepresent these trial legal documents and examples can be found in the most popular books and Media about the Leo Frank case by Ben Loeterman (2009), Matthew Bernstein (2009), Jeffrey Paul Melnick (2000), Steve Oney (2003), Leonard Dinnerstein (1968), Robert Seitz Frey (1988), Elaine Marie Alphin (2010), the Samueles’ (1956) and other Frankites. Since the Leo Frank (BOE – brief of evidence) was released on the Internet, the number of books by pro-Frank extremists falsifying the trial testimony has diminished greatly.
Three Major Atlanta Dailies of the Time: The Atlanta Constitution, The Atlanta Journal and The Atlanta Georgian. The most relevant issues concerning the murder investigation and trial are between April 28th to
August 27th, 1913.
6. Atlanta Constitution daily newspaper: The Murder of Mary Phagan, Coroner’s Inquest,
Grand Jury, Investigation, Pre-Trial Discovery, Trial, Appeals, Prison Shanking and Lynching
reported about the Phagan-Frank Case in the Atlanta Constitution Daily Newspaper from 1913 to
7. Atlanta Georgian daily newspaper (Lot’s of Extras): covering the Leo Frank Case from
late April through August 1913.
8. Atlanta Journal daily newspaper (evening edition): April 28, 1913, through till the
end of August 1913, pertaining to articles about the Leo Frank Case.
The most sensational criminal trial in Southern history concluded its testimony portion
on August 21, 1913, a few days after Leo Frank made an admission on the witness stand
(August 18, 1913) that some say amounted to a murder trial confession
On August 18, 1913, Leo Frank reveals the solution to the Mary Phagan murder
mystery stating he might have “unconsciously” gone to the bathroom in the metal room to
counter Monteen Stover’s testimony that he was not in his inner or outer office from 12:05
to 12:10 PM on April 26, 1913:
Now gentlemen [of the Jury], to the best of my recollection from the time
the whistle blew for twelve o’clock [noon on Saturday, April 26, 1913] until after a
quarter to one [12:46 p.m.] when I went upstairs and spoke to Arthur White and Harry Denham
[at the rear of the fourth floor], to the best of my recollection, I did not stir out of
the inner office [at the front of the second floor]; but it is possible that in order to
answer a call of nature or to urinate I may have gone to the toilet [in the metal room at
the rear of the second floor]. Those are things that a man does unconsciously and cannot
tell how many times nor when he does it (Leo Frank Trial Statement, August 18, Brief of
Evidence, 1913; Georgia Supreme Court Brief, 1913, 1914).
Leo Frank astonishingly re-confirms he might have been in the men’s toilet (only one set of
toilets existed on the second floor of the National Pencil Company factory, they are
located in the machine department AKA metal room) at the time Monteen Stover said his
office had been empty on the murder day (between 12:05 pm to 12:10 pm). This ineluctably
incriminating admission was first given by Leo Frank on August 18, 1913, at his trial while
he was seated on the witness stand. He once again placed himself at the scene of the crime
at the time the sex-murder occurred. You have to read it with your own eyes to believe it.
See Leo Frank’s Jailhouse Interview in the Atlanta Constitution, Monday, March 9, 1914, where he reconfirms his visit to the men’s toilet located in the metal room at the exact time Monteen Stover said his business office was empty.
U.S. Senator From Georgia Tom Watson:
Tom Watson’s Jeffersonian Newspaper about the Leo Frank Case and its
principals can be found in some of the weekly issues during 1914, 1915, 1916 and 1917 and
in Watson’s monthly magazine (1915). Tom Watson’s best work on the Leo M. Frank case

were published in August and September of 1915 in his Watson’s Jeffersonian
Watson’s five major magazine works written serially on the Frank-Phagan affair, provide
logical arguments confirming the guilt of Leo M. Frank with the superb reasoning of a
seasoned criminal attorney. These five 1915 articles spread out over numerous months are
absolutely required reading for anyone interested in the Leo M. Frank Case. Originals of
these magazines are extremely difficult to find because efforts have been ongoing since
1915 to make them disappear. Fortunately, a small number of these issues have survived into
the 21st century and they have been digitized so they might last forever.
9. January 1915: The Leo Frank Case By Tom Watson (January 1915) Watson’s
Magazine Volume 20 No. 3. See page 139 for the Leo Frank Case. Jeffersonian Publishing
Company, Thomson, Ga.
10. March 1915: The Full Review of the Leo Frank Case By Tom Watson (March 1915)
Volume 20. No. 5. See page 235 for ‘A Full Review of the Leo Frank Case’. Jeffersonian
Publishing Company, Thomson, Ga.
11. August 1915: The Celebrated Case of The State of Georgia vs. Leo Frank By Tom
Watson (August 1915) Volumne 21, No 4. See page 182 for ‘The Celebrated Case of the State
of Georgia vs. Leo Frank”. Jeffersonian Publishing Company, Thomson, Ga.
12. September 1915: The Official Record in the Case of Leo Frank, Jew
Pervert By Tom Watson (September 1915) Volume 21. No. 5. See page 251 for ‘The Official
Record in the Case of Leo Frank, Jew Pervert’. Jeffersonian Publishing Company, Thomson,
13. October 1915: The Rich Jews Indict a State! The Whole South Traduced in the Matter of
Leo Frank By Tom Watson (October 1915) Volume 21. No. 6. See page 301. Jeffersonian
Publishing Company, Thomson, Ga
14. Tom Watson’s Jeffersonian Weekly Newspaper (1914 – 1917)
Watson’s analysis of the Phagan-Frank case is the controversial forbidden fruit of truth
that have been censored and suppressed for more than 100 years by Leo Frank’s defenders,
except when they mention it for the purpose of mocking and deriding his works.
15. Tom Watson Brown, Grandson of Thomas Edward Watson:
Notes on the Case of Leo M. Frank and its Aftermath
by Tom W. Brown, Emery University, Atlanta, Georgia, 1982. Despite being
marred by a few errors (including Brown’s belief in the Mary Phagan bitemark hoax) this is
still overall a good analysis of the Leo Frank Case.
16. The Elusive Leo Frank Georgia Supreme Court Archive (Required Reading):
Leo Frank Trial and Appeals Georgia Supreme Court
File (1,800 pages).
17. 2017 Leo Frank Case Audiobook Serial: The American Mercury series on the Mary Phagan
murder trial where Leo Frank was the defendant and convicted, read by Vanessa Neubauer (2017)

18. The 2018, 29-part audiobook of NOI’s Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Volume 3, The Leo Frank Case, The Lynching of a Guilty Man.



Last Updated: 2019


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