‘The Silent and the Damned: The Murder of Mary Phagan and the Lynching of Leo Frank’, authored by Robert Seitz Frey (born 1955) & Nancy C. Thompson (First edition published 1988, second release 2002, Kindle version 2012), is yet another pseudo-scholarly treatment of the Mary Phagan murder case, amounting to nothing more than a maudlin hagiography about the life & tribulations of Leo Max Frank (1884 – 1915). These are conclusions most people will arrive at after fact-checking this book & its references against the primary sources of this famous case, therefore this monograph can accurately be summed up in total as: shamelessly weak on the facts & based on contemptuous omissions.
Here’s a tiny little snapshot of examples concerning the minor errors that fill every chapter of this book:
The authors of this book quote from Leo Frank’s 1906 college yearbook, concerning a number of facts about him, for instance stating he weighed 130lbs, but the original source they cited actually says he was 145lbs (Cornell Senior Class Book, 1906, pages 344 & *345*). Mary Phagan was NOT born in Marietta, Georgia, during the year 1900, she was born hundreds of miles away in Florence, Alabama, on June 1st, 1899. “John Phagan” (the wrong name listed as Mary Phagan’s biological father) did not passaway in the year 1911, William Joshua Phagan (the correct name of Mary Phagan’s biological father) died from measles more than a decade prior, in February of 1899 (yes, Mary Phagan was indeed a posthumous daughter). Leo Frank did NOT marry Lucille Selig in October of 1910, but specifically November 30th (Frank-Selig Wedding Certificate, 1910; Atlanta Journal, Dec 1st, 1910, society pages). Leo Frank’s father, Rudolph Frank, born in 1844, was not 67 years old in 1913, because in 1913 he turned 69. This list of minor errors literally goes on on and on…
26 years of Garbage-In-Garbage-Out: 1986 to 2012:
To be fair, even meticulous authors can make mistakes, but when the hard facts mangled outnumber the book’s pages, something is definitely amiss. There seems to be a pattern here, because I noticed the same level of carelessness concerning the facts found within the author’s Master’s degree thesis (“The Case of Leo Frank M. Frank in The Continuum of American History: An Assessment of Christian Responses”. Masters of Arts Degree in History, June 1986, Baltimore Hebrew College, Maryland). What seems to matter most in the political charged world of academia and mainstream book publishing industry are the perpetuation of politically correct conclusions, not the facts. Moreover, what is most disconcerting about this book is not the minor errors that fill every page, but the major errors found woven together throughout every chapter. The most significant errors found in this book involve misquoting and misrepresenting the Leo Frank trial transcript of testimony, evidence and exhibits contained within the 3,000 pages of official court legal records. Therefore for clarity and brevity, we will review some of the most striking examples below, because to list all the authors willful misrepresentations would result in the creation of a booklet on the long side.
The One Hundred Year Old Anti-Semitic Hate Crime Hoax: Anti-Semitism Convicted the Pedophile who Raped and Strangled a Little Girl
The Atlanta Police investigation into the bludgeoning, rape, strangulation & mutilation of Mary Phagan that lead to the murder indictment and trial of Leo Frank has been often described over the last 100 years by Leo Frank’s defenders as an anti-Semitic miscarriage of justice fueled by racial prejudice against the “Yankee Jew”, but nothing could be further from the truth once we closely examine the official trial records and appeals petitions.
This peculiar & complex criminal affair is one of the most well documented in the annals of Southern jurisprudence, so there is really no excuse for the vagrantly sloppy research contained within this pathological “Gentile-vs-Jews” tribally myopic disinformation book. Moreover, the Official Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence (1913) – ratified by the trial judge, defense & prosecution teams – and Leo Frank Georgia Supreme Court records (1913, 1914), survived in their entirety into the 21st century & are easily accessible to researchers, students & scholars, so there really is absolutely no justification for these authors falsifying these official legal records publicly available from the State of Georgia’s Archives.
Students of the Leo Frank Case naturally ask the Question: Why would these authors invest so many years of their lives studying the subject at hand and working on this book, yet still allow an uncountable number of factual errors in this latest edition — especially since their inclusions can be so easily verified for whether or not they are accurate or not?
The suppositions contained within this book, reveals an ugly racial extremist agenda by its creators, which ultimately answering this question definitively.
Directed at European-American & African-American Southerners, the activist authors waste no time deliberately making unfounded blood-libel insinuations, promoting century-long hate crime hoaxes, and perpetuating false accusations about vast anti-Jewish conspiracies against Leo Frank. Which is why most of the claims & conclusions in this rendition of the Leo Frank epic saga, do not even stand up to minimal college level academic scrutiny or high school level basic fact-checking.
From a Wider Lens this Book is Overwhelming with Racist Suppositions of Anti-Gentile Hate
This hate filled propaganda book wrongfully indicts the whole state of Georgia, by suggesting its police, government officials & citizenry, willfully, & collectively participated in railroading & then assassinating an “innocent” man, primarily because he was Jewish, not because it was proven beyond a reasonable doubt that Leo Frank pounded in the face of a little girl before he raped, and strangled Mary Phagan, being sentenced to death for the crime by both a Judge and Jury (the jury was asked by the presiding judge for a sentencing recommendation). TIn context, despite the reality that German-Jews were generally regarded in the Old South by Gentiles of all classes, as upstanding, productive & law abiding citizens. Furthermore, the consensus of Southern Jewish & Gentile historians has always been, then & now, that European-American Southerners in the segregationist South, treated & respected Jews as White equals, but the same can not be said for how Blacks were treated during the Southern progressive era & the generations afterwards leading up to the civil rights movement.
The real purpose of this book is meant to be is another deracinating bludgeon in the 100 year long racist Jewish culture war that began in 1913 and continues today with renewed ferocity. This conflict is lead by an insidious & agitating minority within the organized Jewish community that has always historically been known to be at perpetual war against the majority’s hegemony. The expressed intention of creating this conflict is demoralizing White-Americans for their once prevailing tradition of ethnic solidarity, ironically by some of the most ethnically paranoid zealots, racial extremists & xenophobic people on earth. You can see this general tendency reflected in most of the books written on the Frank-Phagan case by Jews and their partisans who take the prevailing Jewish position that “anti-Semitism was behind it all”.
More people than at any other time in history are asking the forbidden question: Why is it that most of the same people who incessantly express concern about widespread anti-Semitic racist conspiracy theories, often promote the status quo of Apartheid Israel as an ethnocentric ‘Jewish State’, one that is indisputably known for having committed state-sanctioned racist crimes against humanity during the last 60+ years — one seen by the world as a violent pariah that provides no voting, political, social or civil rights for the non-Jewish people illegally occupied under International Law?
The bottom line is that racism, prejudice & bigotry directed against other people is wrong no matter who it comes from & unacceptable no matter who it is directed at, & yet these authors blinded by bigoted tunnel vision are so pathologically obsessed with anti-Semitism, they failed to mention all the delicious and juicy details of the diabolically anti-Black racist plot Leo Frank botched when his gambit to frame his African-American nightwatchman Newt Lee, with a conspicuously forged time card and planted bloody shirt, fell apart in 48 hours into the investigation of Mary Phagan’s death. The authors also conveniently omitted the well documented tirade of anti-Black gutter racism spewed by Leo Frank’s legal defense team against the Negro Jim Conley during the trial’s closing arguments.
From the perspective of Leo Frank Case historians not suffering from pathological tribal myopia, who have spent several uninterrupted years studying the official trial & appeals records, & read every single local Atlanta newspaper account of the whole ordeal from 1913 to 1915, this ill-conceived book does not measure up to the level of scholarly research & historical accuracy you would expect from the experienced technical writers who authored this latest edition. Simply put, they omitted, fabricated or twisted out of context the vast majority of the witnesses words who testified in this case. This is easily confirmed by reading the developments, coroner’s inquest & trial testimony published in the Atlanta Journal, Constitution & Georgian newspapers, from April through August of 1913, that all together can be easily compared to the official trial transcript digest of testimony (see: Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence, 1913).
Brimming with half-truths, misrepresentations, fabrications and omissions, most of which are not obvious or known to the average person reading this book, the authors chose to leave out the SUPER vast majority of relevant pre-trial evidence uncovered by investigators against Leo Frank during the critical first 48 hours and subsequent Coroner’s Official Inquest (April 30 to May 8) that revealed some very interesting facts. Anyone who takes the time to study the several thousand pages of official Leo Frank case legal documents (that fortunately survived into the 21st century, despite underhanded efforts to purge them), will quickly come to the conclusion that the authors of this book never bothered to carefully read, study & sift the appeals records in the Leo Frank Georgia Supreme Court Case Files, nor do they accurately report what was really argued at the trial & why it mattered. It’s easy to understand why people cringe in disbelief when they read this impetuous book, particularly at how recklessly it was formulated.
Spoiler Alert: This book is another clumsily concocted attempt to rehabilitate the image of the convicted child strangler, Leo Max Frank, the prominent Atlanta president of B’nai B’rith, from September 1912 to 1914, whose conviction galvanized the Independent Order of B’nai B’rith founding of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) on October 20, 1913.
So now we come around full circle to the reoccurring question that comes to everyone’s mind as they fact check this book: Why would Nancy C. Thompson-Frey and Robert Seitz Frey go to such extreme lengths to obfuscate the facts and twist the events of the Leo Frank Case?
Perhaps the longtime modern leader of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (ADL), can give us the answer:
“The authors are to be commended for this calm, dispassionate, yet chilling story of how bigotry can kill a man and destroy a system of justice…. Must reading!” -Abraham H. Foxman, National Director, Anti-Defamation League [ADL of B’nai B’rith].
The ADL, Born in Blood:
The conviction of Leo Frank, so often cited as the impetus for creating Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith in 1913, has ever since then, resulted in numerous books having been written about the Leo Frank Case in this same vein of manufacturing mythological anti-Semitism where there was none, attempting to re-write history, rehabilitate Leo Frank into a hero-martyr & cover-up an embarrassingly heinous scandal that can’t be buried.
ADL & Abraham Foxman’s Hate Crime Hoax:
Two or more pages on the ADL web site suggests that racist mobs of people were shouting murderous anti-Jewish slogans into the open court room windows at the Judge & Jury during the 1913 summer trial of Leo Frank, & that anti-Semitism was the reason Leo Frank was convicted, Direct ADL and Abraham Foxman Quote:
“Hang the Jew, Hang the Jew.” This was the cry of the furious mob outside the Atlanta courthouse where Leo Frank, a Northern Jew, stood trial after his arrest in 1913 for a murder he did not commit. Anti-Semitism hung heavy in the courtroom as Frank was found guilty and sentenced to death. On the 95th anniversary of the Lynching, Abraham Foxman wrote an Op-Ed published on the ADL web site claiming people were shouting “Kill the Jew” into the open windows of the courtroom and intimidating the Leo Frank trial jury (see: History of the ADL on their main website www.adl.org and Abraham Foxman’s Op-Ed August, 2005).
The Century-Long Anti-Jewish Hate Crime Hoax Uncovered:
If there was even a drop of anti-Semitism leading up to the indictment or during the Leo Frank trial, why is it not mentioned in Leo Frank’s numerous petitions and appeals between 1913 – 1915? Why is it not mentioned in any of the three major local Atlanta newspaper accounts (Constitution, Georgian and Journal) that had teams of reporters inside and outside the courtroom meticulously documenting the events of the trial? Surely, something so noteworthy of a mistrial, disruptive mobs of yahoos screaming bloody racist murder into the windows of the trial’s courtroom, would have been mentioned. This book commended by Abe Foxman is guilty of perpetuating it’s own version of this ADL Hate Crime Hoax.
Frey and Thompson, Chapter 4, The Verdict, Quote:
Through the blistering days of summer the trial unfolded amidst the very real presence of an anti-Jewish mob spirit. The streets were thronged with people demanding the conviction of “the damned Jew.” The crowd, some allegedly armed, applauded, jeered, and laughed through out the trial. Judge Roan had made repeated, but timid, efforts to maintain a semblance of order. Spectators in the courtroom sat directly behind the jurors. The jury could surely feel the palpable presence and sentiment of the crowd. Because of the heat, the windows in the city hall building were open and the heads of people standing in the street were practically level with the sills of these open windows. A group of men sat on the roof of a shed outside the window just ten feet behind the judge and the witness chair. “The mob was breathing vengeance in the very face of the judge and jury.”
In reality, Jews were not historically known in the South for committing such malicious & perverted sex crimes of extreme violence. Italians, Greeks and Russians were European sub-species that were thought to be more prone to crime and were ranked significantly below Jews and Anglo-Saxons. If anything, it would have been infinitely easier to convict the Negro James “Jim” Conley or Newton “Newt” Lee with less evidence against them, than Leo Frank, who was very well connected in the organized Jewish community, especially because he was Atlanta president of the 500 member Jewish fraternal organization B’nai B’rith.
Leo Frank the Serial Pedophile:
Now that the State of Georgia is scanning all legal records of Leo Frank’s trial and appeals, slowly making them available online, the public is soon going to learn about another unpublicized pedophile-rape committed by Leo Frank, one involving a very sadistic twist. More than a year prior to the rape-murder of Mary Phagan on April 26, 1913, Leo Frank raped one of his young child laborers, causing her to become pregnant. She was shipped off to a home for unwed teenage mothers in Ohio. After initially defiling the little girl, Leo Frank descended between the legs of this child, plunged his teeth so rabidly into the inner most region of her thy (adjacent to her genitals), that he permanently scarified her flesh. Luckily she survived to tell of the incident during Leo Frank’s appeals (Georgia Supreme Court Records, 1913, 1914). This revelation of psychopathic perversion is left out of Leo Frank partisan books, because it tends to corroborate the 19 pre-teen & teenage girls, who were former employee’s of the National Pencil Company, that testified under oath at Frank’s murder trial, affirming & sustaining his reputation for behavioral patterns of aggressive sexual predation against little children.
What the authors also left out of this unworthy book is the Mary Phagan murder investigation:
During the Coroner’s Tribunal (late April to May 8, 1913), Leo Frank testified under oath he had never used the bathroom all day on April 26, 1913 – not that he didn’t remember using it, but that he hadn’t used the bathroom at all. Leo Frank also repeatedly swore to an alibi during the official Coroner’s Inquest on Monday, May 5th, 1913 and Thursday, May 8th, 1913, stating that he never left his office after Mary Phagan had arrived & left him alone on April 26, 1913, between noon and 12:20pm. Prior to Leo Frank making these statements at the Coroner’s Inquest, he also gave the exact same murder alibi to Atlanta Police Detective John R. Black and Pinkerton Assistant Superintendent Harry A. Scott on Sunday, May 4th, 1913, while imprisoned in jail.
Meet 14-year old Monteen Stover:
What Leo Frank didn’t know at the time he stated his murder alibi about having never left his office or going to the bathroom, is that another one of his child laborers, one he also temporarily laid off, named Monteen Stover, had come to his office to collect her wages. Stover arrived just minutes after Mary Phagan & found Leo Frank’s office perplexingly empty as she waited between 12:05pm & 12:10pm. When Monteen Stover revealed this timeline incident at the trial, it resulted in Leo Frank completely changing his 4-month-long-maintained murder alibi. About half an hour into Leo Frank’s trial statement, that he had given orally to the jury, he explained where he might have supposedly been & why his office seemed empty during that critical time & in doing so, Leo Frank solved the murder of Mary Phagan…
Grand Jury Indictment of Leo M. Frank:
On Saturday, May 24, 1913, after a two week murder investigation and hearing numerous witnesses testify under oath, the Fulton County Grand Jurors, voted unanimously, 21 to 0 against Leo Frank, indicting him for the murder of Mary Phagan. Several of the grand jurymen were Jews, placing serious doubt about the perpetual cri-de-wolf of anti-Semitism concerning the investigation into the murder of Mary Phagan that led to the indictment of Leo Frank. With all the real instances of anti-Semitism in the world, artificially fabricating instances of it only cheapens the genuine cause against it. And there are no shortages of snake oil salesmen, con artist professors & fear-mongering activists who make a living off of inventing anti-Semitic hate crime hoaxes (read my review of Leonard Dinnerstein’s ‘The Leo Frank Case’).
What’s the real reason the Grand Jury indicted Leo Frank? The authors of this book failed to mention the full extent of who testified & who did not testify at the Grand Jury hearings, so that the reader would be unable to draw their own conclusions about what was revealed & why the Grandjurors likely voted unanimously against Leo Frank. With this list of witness names, the average researcher could easily read what these same witnesses later restated at the Leo Frank trial in the summer of 1913. Moreover, Jim Conley did NOT testify at the Grand Jury hearings, but Monteen Stover DID, & this among other things is the crux of suppression by these authors: Monteen Stover, the girl who defended Leo Frank’s character & ironically cracked his alibi wide open.
State of Georgia vs. Leo M. Frank:
The 4-week long Leo Frank murder trial began with its first witness on the afternoon of Monday, July 28, 1913, with Newt Lee the last to testify that afternoon session. Day after day, witness after witness, the curiously intriguing details of State’s witnesses were conveniently left out of this book, “The Silent and the Damned”. Such utter contempt for legal history is inexcusable.
By Monday, August 4, 1913, Jim Conley testified at the trial for three grueling days, stating he found Mary Phagan dead adjacent to the metal department’s bathroom entryway (State’s Exhibit A, Key item #9), that is after Leo Frank allegedly confessed to assaulting Phagan in the metal room when she refused to have sex with him. Leo Frank’s legal defense dream team – made up of the best legal minds in all of Georgia – spent 3 days using every trick in the book to try and trip up & impeach this Negro accessory-after-the-fact to the murder of Mary Phagan, but Rosser & Arnold were unable to do so & what they actually did was foolishly draw out of Conley information about Leo Frank’s predilection for oral sex and escapades with Atlanta prostitutes at the factory. Conley also described “accidentally” walking in on Leo Frank during assignations no less than two times, but these cowardly authors felt it necessary to leave out all the relevant details that would paint the scandalous culture of what was really going on at the factory.
Jim Conley Admits to Writing the Murder Notes:
The murder notes found by the dead body of 13-year-old Mary Phagan dumped in the rear of the basement, describe her going to “make water” (urinating) at the only place she would have gone to the bathroom in the factory: Namely, the metal department’s bathroom, it would have been the only bathroom Phagan would have used when she left Leo Frank’s office on the second floor, because there was no accessible bathroom on the first floor of the NPCo, & the toilet in the rear of the dark-dingy basement was racially segregated for “Negroes Only”. Leo Frank forgot to jimmy open the locked door on the first floor lobby leading to the office space of former Clark Woodenware company, that had departed on January 17, 1913, because the police found the door locked when they arrived, as the owner of the building later said it should have been. Ultimately, Leo Frank had boxed himself in as the culprit via his deviously racist plot to frame the old, tall, dark-complected, balding, married Negro, with no criminal record, Newton “Newt” Lee, known colloquially at the factory as the nightwatch.
The Tight and Narrow Solution:
On the second floor of the National Pencil Company, Mary Phagan worked in the metal department, colloquially known by factory employees as the metal room, & her work station was right next to the entryway of the men’s toilet by a matter of a few foot steps. Leo Frank to reach the toilet would literally walk by Mary Phagan’s work station each day from the time she worked there between the spring of 1912 to Monday, April 21, 1913, when she was temporarily laid off because of a shortage in brass sheet metal. The authors never adequately explain how Leo Frank could tell the police, the coroner and trial jury that he did not know his employee Mary Phagan’s name, given the fact she worked under his tutelage for 55 hours a week registering her timecard on the punch clock, over 53 weeks, logging more than 2,700 hours of labor sticking little rubber erasers into short-thin brass banded tubes wrapped around the edges of pencil bases.
Leo Frank’s Delicious ironic Admission on the Witness Stand:
The most significant omission by Nancy Thompson Frey & Robert Seitz Frey are the clear-cut details about Leo Frank’s trial testimony playing out to the solution of the Phagan murder mystery, after Leo sat down on the witness stand, during the last week of his 29-day trial.
Leo Frank made a loquacious & mind-numbing unsworn 4-hour statement to the Jury on Monday, August 18th, 1913. Leo Frank changed his sworn murder alibi that he maintained for 4 months about having never left his office around the time when Phagan arrived & departed.
According to Leo Frank, when did Mary Phagan arrive in his business office on Saturday, April 26, 1913?
During the late morning on Sunday, April 27, 1913, Leo Frank told Atlanta Police officers that Mary Phagan came into his office about a few minutes after twelve (12:03pm). On Monday, April 28, 1913, he told Atlanta Police that Mary Phagan arrived in his office “between 12:05 and 12:10pm, maybe 12:07pm”. At the Coroner’s Inquest he changed the time to 12:10pm to 12:15pm. At his trial when he gave his statement to the jury it was then that Leo Frank changed the time for the 4th time, saying Mary Phagan came into his office between 12:12pm & 12:17pm. We might ask as 21st century observers are these four critical time inconsistencies given by Leo Frank, about the time he saw Mary Phagan in his window front second floor office, the behavior of an innocent man? And why did Phagan’s moment of arrival continue to slowly inch away minute by minute, as the days, weeks and months went by, from his original stated meeting time of about 12:03 pm?
In the shocking climax of the most sensational murder trial in Southern history, Leo Frank mounted the witness stand & told the 13 men sworn to try his fate – twelve jurymen and judge Leonard Roan – the real reason why Monteen Stover found his office empty. Leo Frank reversed himself, and told the jury that he might have “unconsciously” gone to the bathroom in the metal room to account for Monteen Stover’s testimony!
Leo Frank said (direct quote on witness stand):
Now, gentlemen [of the jury], to the best of my recollection from the time the whistle blew for twelve o’clock [on Saturday April 26, 1913] until after a quarter to one [12:45 p.m.] when I went up stairs and spoke to Arthur White and Harry Denham [on the fourth floor], to the best of my recollection, I did not stir out of my office [located at the front of the second floor]; but it is possible that in order to answer a call of nature or to urinate I may have gone to the toilet [in the metal room located at the back of the 2nd floor]. Those are things that a man does unconsciously and can not tell how many times nor when he does it (Leo Frank Trial Statement, August 18, Brief of Evidence, 1913, p. 186).
The Solution to the Murder of Mary Phagan:
Leo Frank made this newfangled explanation as to why Monteen Stover found his second floor office empty between 12:05pm & 12:10pm, which was timeline wise, precisely when the bludgeoning, rape & strangulation of Mary Phagan occurred in the metal room according to case the prosecution built at the trial. When 200 plus people packed in the courtroom heard Leo Frank’s “unconscious” metal room bathroom admission, they likely involuntarily shivered & felt cold chills down their spines, especially after hearing about the wound on the back of Mary Phagan’s head, blood on the floor near the metal room bathroom & the discovery of her broken off hair with dried blood on it, found tangled around the solid iron handle of Robert P. Barret’s lathe in the metalroom.
Forensic Evidence:
Descriptions of the 5 inch wide blood stain & spatter smeared with haskolene diagnal to the metal room’s bathroom door discovered by child laborer Magnolia Kennedy, was most significant, because Jim Conley testified he found Mary Phagan dead near the metalroom bathroom (toilet) entryway. However the lynch pin that brought it all together was State’s Exhibit B, Leo Frank’s deposition to Atlanta police on Monday, April 28, 1913, where he stated Mary Phagan came into his office between 12:05 and 12:10pm, maybe 12:07pm, that created an unbreakable chain of circumstantial evidence, when Leo Frank finally explained his absence during that exact same time. On Sunday, April 28, 1913, Leo Frank told police that Mary Phagan came into his office at 12:03pm, which essentially gave them both enough time to reach the metal room before Monteen Stover arrived.
The significance of it all was in the critical first 48 hours of the Mary Phagan murder investigation that Leo Frank first stated Mary Phagan arrived at 12:03pm and then “12:05pm to 12:10pm, maybe 12:07pm” based on his own wall clock, before he got wind of Monteen Stover, who he never mentions seeing that tends to result in Leo Frank threading the eye of the needle.
Case Closed:
Leo Frank admittedly put himself precisely in the metal room where all the forensic evidence indicated Mary Phagan had been killed, at the exact same time he told the police that Mary Phagan was alone with him in his office. Leo Frank got caught in an inescapable lie, because it is impossible to be at two locations at the exact same time.
Flash Backwards Dateline Sunday morning, April 27, 1913:
Mary Phagan had been found dumped in a mutilated state at the back section of the National Pencil Company’s factory cellar, her 4’11” tall & 107lbs of dead-weight had apparently been dragged 140 feet face down from the basement elevator shaft located at the front section, across the hard earthen floor, leaving a clearly visible trail according to the first responders who arrived before 4:00 a.m on Sunday morning, April 27, 1913. The Coroner theorized she likely wasn’t murdered in the basement, because the dirt encrusted scratches all over her face didn’t show any signs of bleeding or scabbing. Physicians performing autopsies on Mary Phagan, later pointed out back in 1913, that once the heart stops beating, the body ceases the healing process. Thus the Mary Phagan Autopsy revealed she was already quite dead when she had been dragged from the elevator shaft and that the basement was probably not the initial scene of her bludgeoning, rape & strangulation. It was a simple CSI forensic revelation Leo Frank never anticipated when he ordered his pet janitor Jim Conley to remove the cadaver of Mary Phagan from the metal room and dispose of it at the rear of the basement. The police realized that if Mary Phagan likely hadn’t been killed in the basement, there were only two other likely options, the first floor lobby which was the highest traffic place of the factory, or the metal room at the rear of the second floor where conspicuous forensic evidence had been found. It should be noted again: The door to the large office space of the Clark Woodenware company on the first floor had been locked since January 17, 1913, when they departed & there was no other forensic evidence found around the lobby. This caused the police to put their entire focus on the 2nd-floor’s metal room located opposite to Leo Frank’s office. Pinkerton detective McWorth an agent of Leo Frank mysteriously kept discovering forensic evidence three weeks after the murder in the factory lobby: A bloody stick and Phagan’s pay envelope, but the police had scowered that area, so how could they have missed those items? McWorth was relieved of his duty on suspicion of planting evidence, but those items were entered into evidence by the defense at the trial.
Student’s of the case are left wondering why did Leo Frank go to such unusual lengths to coverup the crimes origins, by having Phagan moved 2 floor down & then attempt to frame his Negro nightwatchman Newt Lee with “death notes” hand written by Conley, but not bother to meticulously clean up Phagan’s bloodied and broken off hair tangled around the handle of the bench lathe in the metal room? Why didn’t Leo Frank make any real effort to clean up the 5 inch wide fan-shaped stain of Mary Phagan’s blood on the floor, located front diagonal of the doorway to the bathroom (toilet) inside the metalroom? Was this evidence planted to frame Leo Frank who was not under suspicion when it was found in some kind of an ugly anti-Semitic conspiracy or was the bespectacled Leo Frank lacking in prescience, therefore rendering him simply myopic?
Perhaps intelligent book smart people, sometimes lack basic common sense. Ironic is the fact that in 1913, only 1 in 100 murders were ever solved, and here was one that was almost too easy for the Atlanta Police.
The Trial Exhibits Obfuscated by the Authors:
Looking back on the case nearly a century later, the significance of everything comes to light when one looks closely at Leo Frank’s Defendant’s Exhibit 61 and State’s Exhibit A (Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence, 1913), precise architectural floor plans, revealing the only set of bathrooms (toilets) on the 2nd floor, were located inside the metal room at its inner-most corner. Thus providing a commonsense conclusion that Leo Frank ineluctably incriminated himself well beyond a reasonable doubt with his “unconscious” bathroom visit contradicting himself, and thus making his murder conviction a nobrainer for any jury & every level of the United States appeals courts in 1913 or 2013.
Robert Seitz Frey is a Racist Anti-Gentile Domestic Jewish Extremist:
There was no anti-Semitic conspiracy to convict Leo Frank, he looked the jurymen straight in their eyes and calmly said that essentially, he might have “unconsciously” been at the prosecution’s theory of where the original crime scene was located, at the exact time the murder was theorized to have occurred. In the 20th or 21st century, what would any other jury, possessing average intelligence, have done in the same situation? The verdict of guilt was not difficult or challenging by any stretch of the imagination when based upon commonsense.
As a whole, Leo Frank’s trial statements to the jury were, generally speaking, filled with unmitigated and incomprehensible blunders that left most legal minds dumbfounded & flabbergasted in 1913, & today.
Still Left Unanswered by Leo Frank’s Defenders:
Most people wonder, how could Leo Frank claim to the Atlanta police that he was in his second-floor business office alone with Mary Phagan between 12:05pm and 12:10pm on April 26, 1913, and also simultaneously be “alone” in the metal room bathroom located down the hall as he told his Trial Jury on August 18, 1913?
Looking back in time as 21st century time travelers of the imagination, the Leo Frank trial was without a shadow of a doubt no nail biter, it is certainly not a “cold case” today, & it definitely was not some kind of collective anti-Semitic framing against the “Yankee Jew” by racist Southerners, but instead, what it was, is the first time in Southern history that a legitimately indicted man, made an admission at his own murder trial, that unequivocally amounted to a murder trial confession. So perhaps we could ask legal scholars: How many times has something this dramatic happened in American jurisprudence?
Leo Frank’s Confirmation of his Guilt?:
Six months after Frank’s August 25 conviction, on March 9, 1914, the Atlanta Constitution published an authorized pre-written Q & A interview of Leo Frank conducted while he was incarcerated at the jailhouse during his appeals, where he once again admitted, as he had done on August 18, 1913, stating again that he was using the metalroom’s bathroom, unknowingly at the exact same time Monteen Stover was waiting alone for him to collect her pay inside his temporarily empty office between 12:05pm and 12:10pm, thus again contradicting his deposition to Atlanta police that Mary Phagan had been with him inside his office, alone with him, between 12:05 pm & 12:10 pm, maybe 12:07pm, on Saturday, April 26, 1913.
This is why I encourage people to read the official Leo Frank trial brief of evidence (1913) contained within the Leo Frank Georgia Supreme Court records, to learn specifically why this married dynamic duo, Nancy C. Thompson and Robert Seitz Frey, can not be considered — by any stretch of the imagination — reliable, honorable and trustworthy to retell this epic saga.
So what do you call people who intentionally obfuscate facts, evidence & testimony, to transform a perverted sexual predator and child killer into an innocent & noble martyr of anti-Semitism?
Buy this book today & fact check it against the official legal documents of the Leo Frank Case.
You might also consider buying this book now on www.Amazon.com and use it as a teaching guide to show precisely how the well organized Jewish community works in concert with individual Jews to regurgitate their racist anti-Gentile narratives to wage a viciously ugly culture and racewar against Southerners, European-Americans and all of Western Civilization.