The Leo Frank Affair (1913 to 1915) and its aftermath (1915 to 1986), What Really Happened?
Welcome to the Leo Frank Case Research Library Archive, the largest online collection of primary sources concerning the life, and centarian legacy (1915 to 2015) of Leo Frank, who was convicted August 25, 1913, of having strangled 13 year old “little” Mary Anne Phagan on Confederate Memorial Day, Saturday, April 26, 1913.
New updates and materials are added to our library on a regular basis, so please check back often when time permits.
The Leo Frank Epic Saga (1913 to 2013)
One hundred years of smears, rumors, lies, omissions, fabrications, spin, fraud, criminal activity, defamation, misrepresentations, slander, libel and deceit are all about to be exposed to the light of truth, now that finally, the official legal records of the Leo M. Frank Georgia Supreme Court Case File, and 1913 Trial Brief of Evidence are available online as of 2010. Dive into the the most incendiary criminal trial in the annals of Southern United States Legal History.
Primary Sources of the Leo Frank Case:
Learn all the lurid details about the Leo Frank Case, never before published anywhere else in the world over the last century, until they were first made available online through the Leo Frank Research Library Archive born in the Summer of 2010.
Start by reading, studying and cross referencing the official Georgia Supreme Court Case files and documents on Leo Frank 1913, 1914, divided in two high resolution digital volumes numbering in total 1,800 black and white images @ https://www.leofrank.org/images/georgia-supreme-court-case-files/ (click on folders 1 and 2). Read, never before revealed by any contemporary and secondary source authors, the minutiae and important information they shamelessly left out. Learn about actual events and case facts that were re-discovered in the 21st century that are not mentioned in anywhere else.
The Official Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence, 1913
The Georgia Supreme Court Case Files on Leo Frank also contains the: Official Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence (1913). Other legal documents contained in the Leo Frank Research Library Archive are Leo Frank’s Georgia Superior Court, Federal District and United State’s Supreme Court appeals documents and decisions, that were rendered by the respective tribunals – numbering hundreds of pages. Astonishingly, the complete record of Leo Frank legal documents surviving into the 21st century is in the 2,500+ page range. Add the newspaper reports and Governor John M. Slaton commutation hearing papers to that ‘four digit number of pages’ and it surges beyond 10,000 pages. For the purposes of learning essentials of the Leo Frank case with clarity, the central focus will be directed upon the three major newspaper accounts and the Official Georgia Supreme Court Case Records on Leo Frank.
Time Constraints
If you don’t have a few years of free study time available for the shocking and never before published Leo M. Frank Georgia Supreme Court Case file and 1913 Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence, and would rather just cut to the chase, read about the four separate and distinct incidents amounting to Leo Frank Murder Confession(s) (If you want to learn what really happened without all the Jewish pathological lies and tribal hysteria).
Leo Frank Admissions Amounting to Murder Confessions Number One and Two
The first and second Leo Frank murder confessions, were both made privately on Confederate Memorial Day, Saturday, April 26, 1913, but at separate times, 10 hours apart. The first murder confession was made to Jim Conley, and the second confession was made to Lucille Selig Frank, but eventually these incidents became public by two African-Americans in a most curious way within May and early June of 1913.
Leo Frank Admissions Amounting to Murder Confessions Number Three and Four
The third and fourth incidents amounting to Leo Frank murder confessions were made publicly by Leo Frank, astonishingly, during his trial on August 18, 1913, and perplexingly, through a Leo Frank authorized jailhouse interview, published in the Atlanta Constitution, March 9, 1914. Two days before on March 7, 1914, Leo Frank had been re-sentenced to hang on his 30th birthday, April 17, 1914, by Judge Benjamin Hill.
Factoid: Out of four incidents amounting to Leo Frank murder confessions, the first, second and third can be sifted from the official Georgia Legal Records.
The Bludgeoning, Rape and Strangulation of Mary Phagan and the Lynching of Leo Frank
The Mary Phagan Autopsy Report provides violent glimpses of what began to happen to the victim on Confederate Memorial Day, Saturday, April 26, 1913, between 12:05 pm and 12:10 pm, while she was in the metal room at the National Pencil Company.
Four Admissions by Leo Frank
The four separate and distinct Leo Frank murder confessions, and the resulting lynching of Leo Frank two years later, speaks volumes about the culture of the Old and New South colliding at the noontide, especially regarding extrajudicial “vigilante justice”, before (pre 1890’s) and during (1890s to the 1920s), the Southern Progressive Era. Ironically, it was the prosecutor Hugh Manson Dorsey who as a progressive governor of Georgia used his political clout and power to openly advocate for the end of lynching as a form of vigilance against crime and criminals, in favor of the rule of law, no matter how heinous the crime.
Daily Newspaper Accounts on the Leo Frank Case (1913 to 1915)
Whether new or familiar to the Leo Frank Case, chances are most people living in the 21st century never had the opportunity or time to research and read the original period Atlanta newspaper accounts of the case for obvious practical reasons. The work effort required to acquire these scarce physical newspapers on microfilm remains the same today, as in the 21st century, compared to acquiring the old newspapers in the early half of the 20th century, it requires some leg work. At least now these newspaper records are slowly making their way online via high resolution digital scanning conducted by archival historians. We are proud to be the first web site in the world to publish these newspapers on our library about the Leo Frank case. We hope you will take the time to read them as they provide fascinating insight into the Leo Frank Case.
Constitution, Journal and Georgian
The Atlanta newspapers provide the earliest coverage of the day to day events from the murder of Mary Phagan onward. Begin first with reviewing the articles published by the major local dailies. The three biggest Atlanta GA newspapers, that provide the best daily accounts of the events and incidents concerning the Case of Leo Frank, from 1913 through 1915, are: the Atlanta Constitution, The Atlanta Journal and The Atlanta Georgian.
A very brief highlevel history and evolution of these press organs, begins chronologically with the Atlanta Constitution, founded in 1868, the Atlanta Journal founded in 1883, and the Atlanta Georgian founded in 1906. The Atlanta Georgian was purchased by William Randolph Hearst in 1912, invigorating it’s circulation using the Yellow Journalism formula, however, it ceased publication in 1939 after the sheet was sold to James M. Cox, and then consolidated into the Atlanta Journal (another paper Cox acquired). Any learned economist will tell you there is something to be said about the potentially lucrative nature of effective mergers, acquisitions and downsizing, especially when buying up your competitors. More than six decades after the Atlanta Journal digested the Atlanta Georgian, in the final consolidation of Georgian media power, the Atlanta Constitution and Atlanta Journal merged together becoming the Atlanta Journal Constitution (www.AJC.com) in 2001. Three separate, once energetically competing newspapers, essentially became one media monolith, perhaps it was inevitable, but whether such tendencies benefit the public in the short, mid and long term is debatable.
Weekly Newspapers on the Leo Frank Case (1914 to 1917)
Seven months after Leo Frank Trial ended and Leo Frank’s appeal for a new trial failed in the Georgia Supreme Court, in March of 1914, Thomas Edward Watson, a notable populist politician, and seasoned Georgian criminal lawyer, joined in the fray with fiery opinion pieces on the Leo Frank Case in his weekly Jeffersonian Newspaper. The reports are filled with invective, poisonous venom, energy, sarcasm and wit, in an effort against what Watson and the majority of Georgians perceived as outside meddling in Georgia’s internal legal affairs by Jewish controlled newspapers, and periodicals, influencing other national media outlets on the Leo Frank case into a national crusade of subversive, perfidious and treacherous actions against Georgia.
Leo Frank became the darling of the National Media that was evolving into the Global “Jewsmedia. The birth of the information wars was animated by the aftermath of the 1913 Leo Frank trial.
Leo Frank became a crucified Christ figure and Cause Celebre for the Jewish Community and Christian European-American’s in the North who never actually read the official Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence. In 1915, Leo Frank would become a Jewish Martyr of anti-Semitism and regional prejudice for pax judaica.
From 1915 onward the Leo Frank Case became a culture weapon for Jews to dig up old ghosts and open old wounds between the North and South. The Jews would take on a new role in Western Civilization become the instigators of a long undeclared political and social race war European-Americans would slowly lose over the decades, as 30 million non-white immigration – legal and illegal – would be used as the most effective weapon to implode the former Caucasian North America.
Gentiles witnessed one of the most well organized Jewish efforts to instigate a successful sectarian culture war between a majority of the United States (primarily in the North) against Georgia. The aftermath of the Leo Frank saga inspired another Jewish intellectual movement using the case to agitate against anti-Semitism and exonerate one of their own prominent tribesman who had committed such an atrocious crime. The way this particular Jewish Intellectual movement works like so many Jewish scholarly movements is, Jewish intellectuals re-inforce each others shared position academically, by quoting and re-quoting each other over and over, until an image of popular culture is created, as with the case of Leo Frank the Innocent who became Apotheosis as “Martyr of Anti-Semitism”.
Monthly Magazines on the Leo Frank Case: Watson’s Magazine vs. “The Jewsmedia”
Watson’s Magazine (1915) August, and September issues provide the best analysis of the Leo Frank trial testimony and the October issue describes the Jewish led press assault on Georgia, by what Watson and his allies perceived as instigated by Jewish cultural terrorists through National Jewish media control machinations.
21st century anti-Semites call the domination of the International media by Jews, “The Jewsmedia”.
For more details about what was reported in local or national newspapers and other periodicals at the time, visit the Leo Frank print media section of the Leo Frank Research Library Archive.
The Official Leo Frank Trial Transcript was Stolen:
The question everyone should ask is which side, the defense or prosecution, benefited the most by obfuscating the subtle nuances from the testimony?
In the early part of the 1960’s, the colossal 7-volume Leo Frank trial (July 28 to August 21, 1913) transcript typed in short hand went missing. After more than 50 years of this official short hand transcript on 3,600 pages of cap paper, having completely vanished without a trace, it is presumed to be lost forever. Fortunately enough documents survived into the 21st century where the transcript can be reverse engineered and rebuilt and it is on the todo list for our library.
The Newspaper Version of the Leo Frank Trial Transcript
Fortunately the three major and local Atlanta pressorgans, The: Journal, Constitution and Georgian, provided reasonably accurate records and transcripts of the Leo Frank trial’s proceedings, day by day, and more importantly, the questions asked during trial examination by the two lead defense counselors (Luther Z. Rosser, Reuben Rose Arnold) and two lead prosecution counselors (Hugh M. Dorsey, Frank Arthur Hooper), with the direct responses by witnesses.
BOE is the Final Arbiter
If there are any conflicts or disputes between the reportage of trial questions and answers within the three major Atlanta newspaper dailies, the 1913 Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence ratified by Judge Leonard Strickland Roan, the Leo Frank Legal Defense Team Counselors, and the State of Georgia’s Prosecution team Counselors, ultimately provides an official final arbiter.
Post Conviction and Judges Affirmation August 26, 1913
After the trial, the three Atlanta newspapers, continued to report on the most significant and noteworthy events during Leo Frank’s dramatic two year long appeals process, that began on August 27, 1913, as the case unraveled for two years to its second violent and tragic conclusion in the late summer of 1915, on the morning of August 17th in Marietta, Georgia at 1200 Roswell Rd, around 7:17 am when Leo Frank hanged, later embalmed and shipped to Manhattan’s Penn Station by train with Lucille.
How to Study the Leo Frank Case Primary Sources
Once you have read, first, Atlanta’s daily newspaper accounts of the events, and second, the official Leo Frank 1913 trial brief of evidence, lastly, read the definitive account never before published online: The official Georgia Supreme Court Case File on Leo Frank in 2 volumes (click 1 and 2) with 1,800 high resolution pages. New information about Leo Frank not published in his 1913 trial brief of evidence is released in the Leo Frank Georgia Supreme Court Case file, making it required reading.
Some of the documents of the case are rated-R, so parental discretion is advised.
Warning: Viewers Must be 21 years of age or older to read the Georgia Supreme Court Case File on Leo Frank.
After studying the primary sources of the Leo Frank case ask yourself the following questions:
1. Barring accusations of racial prejudice in the closing arguments of the case, does the testimony and evidence given at the trial of Leo Frank, accusing him of strangling Mary Phagan, support a murder conviction beyond a reasonable doubt? If so or not, why?
2. Was every level of the United States Legal System from 1913 to 1986 likely correct in not disturbing the verdict of the 1913 Leo Frank Trial Jury and Judge? Why or Why not?
Secondary Sources (1913 to 2013):
With the exception of ‘The Murder of Mary Phagan’ (1989) by Mary Phagan Kean, the great niece of Mary Phagan (1899 to 1913), most secondary source writers, have re-told the Leo Frank case in a manner that deliberately differs significantly from the primary sources, with countless errors and omissions concerning testimony and evidence, thus transforming the Leo Frank case from a true crime story about an incident out of ‘Psychopathia Sexualis’, by a perverted Ashkenazi Jewish serial pedophile, committing a deviant sexual crime of passion, into a kind of pathological mythology about a wrongful conviction rendered against an innocent Jewish man who suffered the worst example of persecution and collective Gentile anti-Semitism in the United States of America.
For the Jewish community the emotional truth is that Leo Frank Affair is the American Dreyfus Affair, but for every level of the United States Legal System, Leo Frank, had a fair trial. Most non-Jews who studied law and read the Georgia Supreme Court Case records on Leo Frank, agree with the final decisions of these tribunals. For some reason (which should be explored by every psychiatrist in the world) Jews have the inability to be rational about things when they involve Jews.
For non-Jewish scholars who study Jewish Evolutionary Strategy, the Leo Frank Case is another example of a Jewish disinformation war meant to divide and conquer Gentile Americans with shame, fear, blood libel, racism and cultural self-doubt.
The Ultimate Goal of the Leo Frank Research Library Archive
It is the highest hope of the Leo Frank Research Library Archive that between 2013 and 2015, when the murder of Mary Phagan, and Leo Frank lynching goes viral in the media, the skeptical and open minded individual members of the public will do a little exploring on the search engines and discover the primary sources of the case.
Final Verdict on Secondary Sources About the Leo Frank Case
Now that finally all the primary sources of the case are online, it is hoped the public will make their own intelligent, informed and independent decisions as to the accuracy and veracity concerning the retelling of the case by Hollywood, the Jewish media, academic Marxists, liberals, PC-leftists, race hustlers, race pimps, secondary source revisionist authors, tabloid journalists, law professors, lawyers, historians, scholars, academics, social and political writers.
Leo Frank Legal Documents Download and Distribute Widely
Finally, it is the hope of the Leo Frank Research Library Archive that the complete set of all Leo M. Frank legal documents are made available online through every Law School Library, in every English speaking country in the world, and that the case becomes a required subject of study for law students in every Law School located within the United States of America and her territories.
How to explore the library
Study the Primary Sources of the Case: Newspaper Accounts, and Legal Records first, then explore our distillation of this information.
Introduction: About the Leo Frank Research Library Archive
Chronology of the Leo Frank Epic Saga and aftermath
The Frank Family Background and Early Days of Leo Frank during his most Formative Years
The Premier Education, Business Opportunities and Experience of Leo Frank: The High School Days of Leo Frank and The Alma Mater of Leo Frank and Post College Work Experience.
Leo Frank in Atlanta Georgia between 1907 to 1915, and a European Sojourn:
The Biography of Mrs. Lucille Selig Frank
The Coroner Paul V. Donehoo Opens the Coroner’s Inquest Investigation
The Grand Jury Investigation
Conviction and Appeals
The Summer of 1915: The Leo Frank Commutation & Riots, Shanking and Lynching of Leo Max Frank.
The Alonzo Mann Affair or Hoax?
Bibliography of the Leo Max Frank Epic Saga.
Essential Primary Sources of the Leo Frank Trial and State Appeals:
Leo M. Frank Georgia Supreme Court Case File (1,800 Images Volumes 1 & 2)
Leo Frank Discussion Forum:
If you want to ask one of the worlds foremost Leo M. Frank scholar questions about the Leo Max Frank case, contact Allen Koenigsberg. Post your public questions: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LeoFrankCase/. The Leo Frank Case Library and Archive (www.LeoFrank.org) is not affiliated with Professor Allen Koenigsberg of Brooklyn College and the Leo Frank Yahoo Discussion Group.
Last Updated: April 26, 2012 between 12:05 p.m. and 12:10 p.m., maybe 12:07 p.m.