The Entire Surviving Leo Frank Case Official Records Number More Than 3,000 Pages
The surviving official records of the Leo Frank trial and appeals are more than 3,000 pages in total. Within the entire 1,800+ pages of the 1913/1914 Georgia State Supreme Court Archive of Leo Frank Case legal documents collection, is: The Fulton County Superior Court, July 1913 Term, Official Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence (318 pages) capturing the Leo M. Frank murder trial testimony (July 28 to August 26 1913) for the strangulation of Mary Phagan, but not the questions. Atlanta’s three major local newspapers, published accounts of the trial questions as well as the answers, enabling the possibility of a very interesting project, to re-create an abridged version of the trial transcript (Completion Date: 2015). The Georgia Supreme Court records, have the most salient portions of the transcript, including Jim Conley’s testimony and these 1,800 pages will eventually be OCR formatted for searching (Completion Date: 2014).
The 1913 Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence is the Final Arbiter
Within the 3,000 pages of the surviving Leo Frank case documents is the single most important document pertaining to the Leo Frank case. It’s long official name is known as: The State of Georgia vs. Leo Frank. Leo M. Frank, Plaintiff in Error vs. State of Georgia, Defendant in Error. In Error from Fulton Superior Court, July Term 1913. Brief of Evidence, 1913. This 318 page document was ratified by three groups, the presiding trial judge Leonard Strickland Roan (Luther Rosser’s former law partner), members of the Leo Frank defense team, and State of Georgia’s Atlanta Prosecution team (Lead by Hugh M. Dorsey). This precious document contains the official record of the witness trial testimony and evidence, but not the questions (See: Leo Frank Newspaper section for the trial transcript).
Unsearchable and Searchable Text Formats:
We provide the original murder trial testimony in OCR text, cleaned-up Adobe PDF, and high resolution photographed image formats from microfilm of the original official documents, for your review to affirm the veracity and accuracy of these documents, we suggest you compare the OCR text, high resolution photographs and PDF’s, evaluate them against each other, they are all available here on the Leo Frank Research Library @ www.LeoFrank.org and The Internet Archive @ www.Archive.org
The Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence and Exhibits (BOE): July 28 to August 21, 1913
This fascinating brief is one of the most sought after official trial records in the legal history of the United States of America, from one of the most infamous, controversial, contentious, scandalous and sensational criminal trials of the 20th century. There is only one physical copy surviving today, and it is securely locked up deep in the vault at the Georgia State Archive (Smith, 2010) and is not available for public viewing. However, copies of the BOE have been made into microfilm, but are difficult to come by, as they are limited in number and are no longer produced by the Georgia State Archive since funding ran out, fortunately there are reasonable alternatives to acquiring and reviewing these dry leaves. There are surviving copies of the BOE in several major libraries around the United States, be we are proud to present it’s original scanned pages in both full color, and gray scale.
1,800+ High Resolution Digital Images of the Georgia Supreme Court Archive on the Leo Frank Case
The digital unaltered copy of the original and elusive Georgia Supreme Court State Archive, that people have eagerly been searching for to obtain over the last 100 years is now finally available to the general public in our online library. We at LeoFrank.org are proud to be the FIRST to bring the original high resolution photos of this astounding archive of documents to the Internet and we hope you will take the time to read each and every page carefully, and study this case diligently to unlock its mysteries.
97 Years of Elusiveness and Jewish Censorship Comes to an End in 2010
Why are these documents so important to the public? There was a time these elusive records were mostly only available to coke-bottle bespectacled researchers for the last century, and the public would have to take the word of Jewish-American authors about the Leo Frank mythology they created, because the average person was simply not going to go through the trouble of tracking down these primary sources, to read them, sift them and apply commonsense, but today with the click of a button people can access these items effortlessly.
The 21st Century Challenge to every human being alive who can comprehend the English language on a highschool level, all the way up to Ph.D. level, did the Jewish-American’s who wrote about this case from 1956 to 1913, commit conspicious omissions, fabrications, and fraud, or not?
So, now is the time to go, sentence by sentence, paragraph by paragraph, page by page, and book by book, to unravel the most disgusting centarian campaign in American history by tribal extremist Jews community, over the last 100 years (1913 to 2013), to falsify the records and events of this well documented legal case.
The original 1,800+ page digital version of these Leo M. Frank official legal documents archive comes live to the Internet here on The Leo M. Frank Research Library and Archive for the first time in history on October of the year 2010, after being buried in the deepest-darkest government vaults, elusive for nearly 97 years. Be sure to download these images and make them available on other free educational libraries for others to review. There is a PDF version and images version of these records on the Internet Archive @ www.Archive.org
Brief of Evidence 1913 Available in 3 Formats
1. High Resolution Images: Leo Frank Case Research Library
Available for viewing within the massive Leo Frank archive, please visit: Leo M. Frank, Plaintiff in Error, vs. State of Georgia, Defendant in Error. In Error from Fulton Superior Court at the July Term 1913. Brief of Evidence 1913 within the 1,800 page Georgia Supreme Court record, which is broken up into two separate folders of graphic images, a bit of searching and you will find the 1913 trial testimony.
2. Adobe PDF Format: The Internet Archive
Threats and political pressure on our ISP from Jews and Jewish groups to have the Leo M. Frank archive and library web site shut down, requires the necessity to make the 1913 Brief of Evidence available through other online mediums, as a hedge in preparation of their success. The Internet Archive Adobe PDF version of Leo M. Frank, Plaintiff in Error, vs. State of Georgia, Defendant in Error. In Error from Fulton Superior Court at the July Term 1913. Brief of Evidence 1913 is available on Archive.org, be sure to download it as soon as possible. Also the Leo Frank Trial transcript can be explored deeply by downloading ‘The Atlanta Georgian’, ‘The Atlanta Constitution’ and ‘The Atlanta Journal’ from July 28, 1913 to August 31st, 1913 (newspaper section).
3. OCR Text
Available on the Leo Frank Case Research Library is the OCR text version of the Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence 1913, it is 99% accurate. https://www.leofrank.org/murder-trial-testimony/
The Leo Frank trial was the first time in United States History a defendant made delicious irony with a virtual murder confession at his own murder trial trial (Most People Don’t Know This Fact).
Leo M. Frank, Plaintiff in Error, vs. State of Georgia, Defendant in Error. In Error from Fulton Superior Court at the July Term 1913. Brief of Evidence 1913.
The 1913 Brief of Evidence reveals three murder confessions given by Leo Frank, two privately on Saturday, April 26, 1913, and one publicly on August 18, 1913. A fourth Leo Frank admission that amounted to a murder confession was published by the Atlanta Constitution on March 9, 1914.
The first Leo Frank murder confession was given by Leo Frank to Jim Conley between Noon and 1:00PM on April 26, 1913.
The second Leo Frank murder confession was given by Leo Frank to Lucille S. Frank on the evening of April 26, 1913 in their bed chamber. Leo Frank was stone cold drunk and said to his wife, he didn’t know why he would murder and he called for his pistol, so he could blow his brains out. He made Lucille Sleep on the floor. See the Earth Shattering: State’s Exhibit J.
The third Leo Frank murder confession was given on August 18, 1913, when Leo Frank told a stunned Jury he might have “unconsciously” gone to the bathroom in the metal room (see states exhibit A) to counter Monteen Stover’s testimony that Leo Frank’s office was empty between 12:05 and 12:10. It was an ironically shocking admission, because the State had spent 29 days trying to prove Leo Frank murdered Mary Phagan in the metal room between 12:05 and 12:10. Now Compare the testimony of Leo Frank, Monteen Stover and Leo Frank’s State’s Exhibit B. State’s Exhibit A, shows that the ONLY bathroom on the second floor was in the metal room. Now read the testimony given at the Coroner’s Inquest in the Journal, Georgian and Constitution.
Leo Frank had just made another virtual murder confession? True, False, Maybe, Sorta?
The Atlanta Constitution March 9th, 1914, there is an interview with Leo Frank where he affirms his murder confession number 3.
The Centennials: Please Promote the Leo Frank Library Archive
Please help promote our massive Leo Frank archive web site http://www.LeoFrank.org between April 26, 2013 and August 17, 1915, to remember the 100th anniversary of the tragic bludgeoning, rape and strangulation of Mary Anne Phagan (1899 to 1913), and hanging of Leo Max Frank (1884 to 1915).
After reading these three local Atlanta Georgia newspapers from 1913 to 1915, it is time for you to decide the truth, first as the Judge and Jury, and secondly, then as the Georgia Supreme Court Justices, to determine whether or not, the verdict rendered against Leo Frank on August 25, 1913, by the jury & August 26, 1913, by the judge, was correct and should stand:
First Step:
1. You are now the Judge and Jury, read the official Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence from beginning to end, sifting it and pass your verdict. Would you leave the verdict of the jury and judge undisturbed?
Second Step:
2. You are now the Georgia Supreme Court, read the Leo Frank Supreme Court Records in either individual images or PDF, from beginning to end, sifting it and pass your verdict. Would you leave the verdict of the jury and judge undisturbed?
Open Discussion Forum:
To discuss the Leo Frank Case, join Brooklyn College Professor Allen Koenigsberg’s, Leo Frank Case Yahoo Discussion Group, from the Leo Frank Case: Open or Closed, website: http://www.LeoFrankCase.com (The Leo Frank Research Library is NOT affiliated with Professor Allen Koenigsberg or his Leo Frank Case website/yahoo group.)
The Leo Frank Research Library Welcomes You to Explore:
We welcome you to explore our colossal archive and we will consider all comments, constructive criticism and suggestions for improving and expanding our web site, contact us.
Last Updated: April 26, 2013.