One of the rarest, earliest and clearest vintage photos of Leo M. Frank taken nearly 72 hours after the murder of Mary Phagan by Press Photographer Mr. Price on Tuesday afternoon, April 28, 1913, at the Atlanta Police Station for the Atlanta Constitution newspaper. The brown tweed suit Leo Frank is wearing in the photo is the same one he wore to work on the day of the murder, Saturday, April 26, 1913. Sketches of this famous press photo were often used by numerous different newspapers across the national media landscape when they published reports about Leo Frank.

This portrait of Leo Frank is the front cover of the first noteworthy Leo Frank defense and partisan book ever published called, ‘The Truth About the Leo Frank Case’, by C.P. Connolly. This Leo Frank defense book was published in 1915 by former Montana Prosecutor and radical investigative journalist Christopher Powell Connolly (1863–1935). It’s the unabridged and greatly expanded version of a consolidated view taken from a collection of articles published in part from Collier’s Weekly and other pro Leo Frank sources. “I feel satisfied that the US Supreme Court will be moved to give us some relief” and “I receive a great deal of mail and many of the writers compliment your articles in Collier’s” Frank wrote on January 4, 1915, in a series of letters to C.P. Connolly. This book sent Firebrand Thomas Edward Watson and many Georgians into a rage, because it contradicted the Leo Frank Georgia Supreme Court Case File and the Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence, 1913.
What is the “Truth” about the Leo Frank Case? How does this book stand up to the primary sources of the Leo Frank Case? Why is Leo Frank holding a cigar vertically in his left hand, directly over his right inner thy at the groin region? How would Sigmund Freud have interpreted this picture? What is the significance of Leo Frank’s left hand? Read the Mary Phagan Autopsy Report to findout.
Also stylized as:
1. Leo Max Frank (the name chiseled on his tombstone within Mount Carmel Cemetery, Glendale, Queens, NY, Frank-Stern Family plot, grave site #2, official location ID: 1-E-41-1035-02),

2. Leo M. Frank (his signature on official legal documents),

3. Leo Frank, his name commonly known to the general public back in 1913 to 1915, and now in modern times.

Last Updated: April 17, 2012